Playing Card

"Jangan main Kartu.. Judi Tuh!"...  
Sorry ya Gua sih kagak doyan judi kata Nyak and Babe dosa tahu?...

wah wah jangan Prejudice gitu dong om, emang bener sih kartu biasanya untuk main judi, tapi sabar dulu pakde...kartu juga bisa sebagai alat permainan pengisi waktu dalam perjalanan, tamasya... atau apa ajalah... makanya dalam penerbangan jarak jauh terkadang di pesawat disediakan juga kartu lho, bahkan agar terlihat beda sebuah majalah pun bisa memberikan pelanggannya bonus kartu Limited edition  (keren ya? Emang keren...) Karena desainnya menarik sehingga kartu juga bisa di jadikan barang koleksi.
Nah kalau gak percaya coba aja lihat dibawah ini... Selamat menikmati tapi jangan lupa komentarnya juga ya......? Thanks om

China Playing Card

Red Series Classical Poker
" Red Memory"

The set of Red series Classical Poker
1." Red Memory" 2. "Red Eras" 3."Red Years" ,
contains 162 pieces of paintings. The historical sense of
the painting is very good for one of your collection

Red Series Classical Poker
" Red Eras"

The set of Red series Classical Poker" Red Eras", each contains
54 pieces of paintings. The historical sense of the painting is
very good for one of your collection

Playing Card Culture Revolution
" Engraving"

Culture Revolution Engraving affects by special stage.
The brand for epoch is obvious. The engraving as the topic of
chairman " Red Classical" which has great value of collection
is called " Alive Curio". The poker is chosen 54 pieces of the
engravings of Chainamen Mao. It shows historical cultural
quintessence. For the people who experienced the period,
the engraving-Red Classical will be recalled their
memory about those days

Playing Card" Classic Story"

Serial Poker of " Forbidden City"

Life Potraits of Royal Family
All these picture are selected from the secret-hidden
paintings of Qing Dinasty. The whole part shows the various
elegant demeanor of emperors and empresses in daily life.
Each of 54 painting is well-chosen artwork, which
reflected the other aspect of imperial culture.
They're really precious artwork for the
entertainment and fine artwork for collection.

Playing Card 
"Old Beijing Tradition"

The old Beijing Tradition poker collects 54
treasured tradition pictures that reflect the scene 
govermed by Tong Zhi and Guangxu of late Qing Dinasty.
Since Yuan dinasty in 60's of 13th century, people
flocked there from different places to make living.
They sustained their life by being trader.
The more number they came, the more various their
cultural life was, which formed abundant and
colorful old Beijing tradition pictures.

Playing Card "Old Photos"

Old Photos directly faces the ugly and beautiful history
and poures into the past motion of ancient and modern people,
looking back on hundred years vicissitudes, these photos
reappear the shame and magnificent of the past days.
These playing cards have includes of the real life that
the aristocrat imperial family and common people
100 years ago. One all instantaneous have constructed
the history which surged up, let the history reduct.
let the history present today.

Playing Cards Limited Edition
"FIFA World Cup Series 2010, South Africa"

Playing Cards official Licensed product
Kartu ini di terbitkan dalam rangka meramaikan pesta
"World Cup 2010 di South Africa",Kini pestanya telah usai
yang tinggal hanyalah kenangannya saja salah satu dari
kenangan tersebut... ya kartu ini....

Playing Card Special Edition

Limited Edition Card
Majalah M2 "Celebrity Poker Card"

berisikan 54 lembar foto artis Top hollywood beserta
keterangan tanggal dan tahun lahirnya serta film2 apa saja
yang telah di bintanginya
sehingga melambungkan
namanya di dunia perfilman

Playing Card "Garuda Indonesia"

Berisi kartu remi standart seperti layaknaya kartu
pada umumnya hanya saja untuk kartu King, Queen dan Jack
berisikan gambar ilustrasi etnik Indonesia

Playing Card China Airlines

1 komentar:

  1. harga koleksi kartu reminya berapa ? email ya ke
